Beautiful pics of Jacqueline Fernandez and Deepika Padukone feet & legs

Jacqueline Fernandez grew up in Bahrain, Manama. She is Sri Lankan and comes from a multiethnic background. Jacqueline's father Elroy is from Sri Lanka (Catholic Sinhalese) and her mother Kim is Malaysian. There are two brothers as well as one older sister. Due to the war that raged in Sri Lanka that the family chose to move to Bahrain. In Australia, she studied Media and Communications at University of Sydney after graduating from Bahrain. Her passion for languages and cultures inspired her to enroll in the Berlitz language school where she mastered French as well as Arabic as she learned Spanish. In 2006 she was named Miss Sri Lanka. Miss Sri Lanka for Miss Universe 2006 in March, 2006. She also participated in Miss Universe 2006. The TV show she appeared on was founded after winning her the Miss Sri Lanka title. Her program, Lanka Business Report, covers Sri Lankan business. Padukone is the daughter of badminton star Prakash Padukone, was born in Copenhagen and raised in Bangalore. As a teenager she was a badminton player in National level competitions. She later resigned her career in the sport in order to be a fashion model. Padukone is a native of Mangalore in India. Her native language Konkani is her mother tongue. Padukone Village is situated inside Kundapura Taluk within the Udupi District in Karnataka in India. Prakash Padukone is her father and a former badminton star with international recognition. Her mother is an agent of travel.

pics Sarah Grey feet & legs pics Jacqueline Fernandez a feet & legs pics Jacqueline Fernandez b feet & legs pics Jacqueline Fernandez c feet & legs pics Jacqueline Fernandez d feet & legs pics Jacqueline Fernandez e feet & legs pics Jacqueline Fernandez f feet & legs pics Jacqueline Fernandez g feet & legs pics Deepika Padukone h feet & legs pics Deepika Padukone i feet & legs


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